Plastic Polishing Compound
Various plastic polishing compound to suit Resin, Acrylic, Polyester, Veneers etc
Polishing plastic and other synthetic materials can be very tricky. Generally polishing creates a build up of heat and can start to damage what you are trying to polish.
We recommend using a cutting compound first called Apollo this will cut back any marks or scratches followed buy Menzerna wax 16 which is a specially designed compound for synthetic materials. If you use wet and dry to refine the surface first then polish with the wax 16.
Airflow Mops, Loosefold Mops, Felt Flap Wheels are just some of the carriers we would recommend for use on synthetic materials to keep the running cool.
How to Use
Run the wheel or mop on a polisher or drill etc and hold the compound bar against it so the compound melts onto the wheel / mop – loading the surface. Then work over the surface you require polishing. keep the mop moving allowing the compound to work into the surface.
For Jewellers
Menzerna wax 16 is excellent for finishing resin jewellery. This compound really supercedes Vonax and produces a much finer finish.
It can also be very handy for polishing acrylic and perspex display items which can often get scratched and look tired.