Cerium Oxide
Cerium oxide is used for polishing, cleaning and mark removal in glass and crystal.
It can also be used for lapidary, polishing semi-precious and precious stones. Often it is used on a very hard felt wheel in this case. These felt wheels can be found here, they are made in our own factory and can be hardened to suit this work.
An abrasive for the polishing of glass and crystal. A highly refined pure powder, with no sharp edges, fast acting scratch removal.
Mix with water into a paste about the consistency of double cream – Load this onto a felt or chamois.
A salmon pink colour powder.
For Jewellers
In jewellery Cerium Oxide is used for lapidary work. Mixed to a paste and used with hard felt wheels on a lathe the compound polishes stones.
It can also be used for glass polishing which very occasionally jewellers get involved in, particularly watch faces. If the scratch can easily be felt with a nail it may be a little too deep for simply using cerium oxide.